Immediate Thoughts on the US Presidential Debate

I was very keen and excited about the September 10 US Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. I believed the result of the debate was going to be consequential in deciding America’s future. There are several undecided voters who are genuinely unsure about who they would vote for and they were looking forward to the debate to understand the candidates more and then make up their mind. It was also quite interesting that this was the first time Donald Trump and Kamala Harris would be meeting in person.

I live-tweeted the debates and my immediate reactions as they came through and here are some of my thoughts:

1. Never prepare for war with Matt Gaetz and Tulsi Gabbard on your side

About two hours to the debate, I saw Trump get off his plane, before him, Gaetz and Gabbard got off the plane with a smile. The news leading up to the debate was that these two had been helping Trump prepare for the debate and make him more presentable and measured. I was looking forward to seeing a new Trump but I left disappointed. This was the same Trump with his same old boring rhetoric. I did not see a new side of Trump. Either the preparation was poor or Trump threw the plan out of the window.

2. Never go to war with a Prosecutor

I was worried about Kamala heading into the debate, I was worried that she would be eaten up by Trump. What was I thinking? Poor me! That woman was a Prosecutor and she’s very eloquent. She held her own and stood on business. She baited Trump and Trump fell for it, she refused to be dragged into the gutters with him and came out on top.

3. Talk to the Voters

Kamala looked straight at the cameras and then to Donald when she spoke, Trump was more focused on the moderators. He kept looking at the moderators and rarely spoke straight to those watching from home. I think that these debates hit the right notes when you personalize your message to the people watching.

4. What is a Plan

Today, I heard a new phrase; “concepts of a plan”. What does that even mean? Trump could not articulate what his plan is, he rather spewed tired rhetorics. Both candidates did not really get into the specifics of their policy plan but while both of them failed on the “how”, one person woefully failed on the “what”. Kamala gave us the “what”, Trump could not even articulate what his was. I hope the American people took note of that.

5. Presidential

Kamala left that stage looking the most presidential of the two of them, but remember that these optics won’t swing states like Pennsylvania or Georgia but it’s still good to talk about them. Kamala got off the right note by walking up to Donald and initiating the handshake. Trump is a sore loser who does not understand grace and poise but again, these things don’t win the election.

Anyway, here are my immediate thoughts. Trump is a flat track bully and for the first time in a long while, he wasn’t able to bully the other person on the stage. I saw Trump being defensive which was uncomfortable for him, he’s always preferred to be on the offensive. I think Kamala’s camp would be the happier of the two camps and may have swung a couple people on their side.



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