Figuring your life amid the chaos of 2020

2020 is a rather convoluted year that will live long in history. A lot seemed to happen across all spheres of life; so many firsts, and sadly, so many lasts too. Liverpool won the English Premier League title for the first time in 30 years. We saw a quasi-abdication from the British Throne. Donald Trump lost his re-election bid. Making him the first US incumbent to lose re-election since H.W. So many people died this year. There was also the issue of a new disease ravaging most of the world and leading to over a million deaths.

A lot of people will define 2020 through the lens of the ravaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and that is correct. Nothing has killed more humans in recent times. Personally, I like to view 2020 as a reflection year. It was a year that gave lots of people the time and space to reflect on their lives. We have all come to terms with the fast paced world that we all live in and seem to have gotten sucked in it that many of us barely had the time to look into the mirror. 2020 was the red light that forced us to match the breaks and figure out who we were and what we were doing.

The result of these reflections are being felt all over. We saw millennials flock to Robinhood in large numbers as they embraced investing in stocks, we saw lots of IPOs as companies realised there was no better time, we saw lots of protests across Europe to Africa. We have seen so many weddings and engagements happen this year. Again, a result of the many reflections where people saw that life was best done in twos as against alone.

I hope you have had the time to study the results of your analysis. The truth is this; for most of us, the chaos you experienced in your life had nothing to do with the events of 2020. If you don’t look at the mirror, 2021 may not be any different. It was convenient to blame 2020 for this year but 2021 may not provide a safe hiding place for you. I hope you receive all the lights you need to guide your path in the coming year.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and yours.

Stay True.

Miracle Roch.

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